vector art of a computer with received mail icons all around it on a purple background

How to Email Your Professor

| | 1 minute read

Getting your college degree is a lot of work. You have made all the right moves but now you need some help from your professor. So what is the best way to reach out? We can help! Here are some tips on how to email your professor the right way!

As an online student, you are juggling a lot. So are your teachers! Your professors are creating assignments, grading, serving on university committees, doing research, and more!

Sending an email to a professor

The best way to email your professor is to remember to keep it short and sweet! Here are some tips to make sure your professor remembers you for good reasons.

Short and sweet email subject

Your email subject should give your professor an idea of why you are emailing you. But don’t forget important details! This should include the class you are in and a short subject.

  • Good example: BUS 245, quiz loading problem
  • Bad example: Problem with class

Greet your professor and introduce yourself

Start your email by greeting your professor the right way, and don’t forget their title! Faculty have worked hard to earn their degrees, so be sure to call them Dr. if it is their title. When in doubt, greet them as Professor.

Need more tips? Check out Grammarly’s email tips

Related: What is an Academic Advisor?

Include your details

Remember that your professor has a lot of students. Include these details in your email:

  • Class number
  • Full name –  First, middle, last
  • Student ID number

Be brief

Let your professor know what you need but be brief! Remember to be respectful and don’t get impatient. Give your professor time to reply.

Now you are ready to email your professor and get the information you need!

Office of Online Learning

All blog posts are written and maintained by the Office of Online Learning at The University of Southern Mississippi. We provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at the University.

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