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5 Ways to Get Ahead with Summer School

| | 2 minute read

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel…college graduation. Now to make sure you get there as soon as you can. What can you do to speed up your quest for a degree? Consider summer school.

Summer classes are a great way to get ahead of the game and get that cap and gown sooner rather than later! To help you out, we have five ways to get ahead with summer school.

1. Knock out some prerequisites.

Many upper level courses require prerequisite courses. Summer is a great time to take them. Rather than taking a prereq in the spring and forgetting everything you learned, take your prereq in the summer so all the information is fresh in the fall.

2. Tackle tough classes.

Is one subject harder for you? Summer school is a great time to wade through tough content. It allows you to focus and spend a little more time learning new material.

3. Keep your study skills sharp.

Three months is a long time. Sometimes you can forget what you learned. Summer classes are a great way to keep your mind and your skills fresh by not getting out of the habit of studying.

4. Consider adding a minor.

Maybe there is a subject that you want to learn more about. Summer school is a great time to try out a new class and choose a minor subject. Tip: Double check your college offers a minor and talk to an advisor first.

5. Create some breathing room.

Is your fall schedule packed? Are you stressed out by how many credit hours you have to take this fall and next spring? Summer school to the rescue! You can lighten your fall and spring load by taking summer courses. Especially if you’re working while in college, taking a summer class can lessen your stress during the upcoming semesters.

Summer courses can keep your study skills fresh.

The last thing you want to do is let your academic skills go dormant over that long break you’re looking forward to, and taking online college courses is one way to keep your mind sharp.

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You don’t have to be tied down when taking courses over the summer. Consider taking summer classes online. Online classes allow you to work from anywhere in the world while accomplishing your goal of getting ahead. You will be glad you did when you can finally put on that cap and gown for graduation quicker than you expected!

Office of Online Learning

All blog posts are written and maintained by the Office of Online Learning at The University of Southern Mississippi. We provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at the University.

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