blue background and files for license and licensure

Will My Degree Lead to a Teaching License?

| | 1 minute read

Education is a widely sweeping profession, and that’s why Southern Miss offers plenty of options for aspiring educators. Whether you’re looking to teach elementary school children, or coach professional athletes, Southern Miss has a path for you!

A major element of many educational programs is a licensure. A license is a way of granting authority to practice teaching within the state. Many of Southern Miss’s programs will lead to a licensure, but not all of them, and if you’re interested in getting into education, you may be wondering “Will I need a teaching license?” We’re here to clarify! We want you to know what to expect from our programs.

First, let’s go over some of the programs that will lead to a teaching licensure. There are two different types of licenses. This first is the teaching licensure. This will lead to professions where you will be teaching directly to students. These programs include:

Elementary Education (TAP), BS
Secondary Teacher Education (Alternate Route), MAT
Child and Family Sciences, BS

The other programs that lead to a teaching licensure revolve around the administrative side of education. These programs will lead to jobs as principals, superintendents, curriculum coordinators, or program directors. These programs include:

Educational Administration, EdD
Educational Administration and Supervision, MEd

Some educational paths won’t lead to a licensure. That means the skillset you’ll be focused on developing will involve abilities outside the licensure requirements. These paths can help you get a job as a coach, a child development expert, or even an activity program director. Here is a list of degree that do not lead to a licensure:

Sport Coaching Education, MS
Teaching of Languages, (French, Spanish, TESOL), MATL

Finally, Southern Miss also offers programs for people who already have a licensure or who are already teaching on some level. These programs are designed to further your career in education. Those programs are: 

Music Education MEd
Educational Curriculum and Instruction (Elementary Education) MEd

For more information, click on the degree name you are interested in to find out more about the program requirements, course lists, or for a direct contact to the program!  Here’s where you can learn more about Licensure requirements.

Office of Online Learning

All blog posts are written and maintained by the Office of Online Learning at The University of Southern Mississippi. We provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at the University.

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