a nurse facing the camera while a doctor speaks to the patient in the background

Fully Online RN to BSN Program from Southern Miss

| | 1 minute read

Nurses are the backbone of health care. They are an essential piece to a community’s health, acting as patient advocates and even health educators. Across the nation, hospitals and healthcare organizations are in desperate need for highly qualified Registered Nurses (RN).

That is why The University of Southern Mississippi has created a degree designed specifically for RNs to further their education and earn their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) completely online. With this RN to BSN program, registered nurses in Mississippi can stay in their current place of employment while building upon their healthcare knowledge and furthering their education with a BSN.

RNs can complete the RN to BSN program within 3 semesters and there is no chemistry required for this degree. Our courses are offered in 8 and 16 week intervals, and courses begin in the fall, spring, or summer semester! This means that you can truly learn on your own schedule.

With 8 and 16 week interval courses, RNs can start the program throughout the year without waiting for a traditional semester to begin. For busy full-time working Mississippi nurses looking to improve their job prospects and salaries, this Southern Miss online RN to BSN degree allows you to work towards your goal with less wait.

If you’re already an RN, you already have the foundation to excel in the healthcare industry. Let our accredited, fully online RN to BSN degree help you take your nursing career to the next level.

For more information about our RN to BSN program, you can fill out the form below or check out the RN to BSN program page here!

Office of Online Learning

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