image of a girl sitting in front of a fan calming herself after the stress of summer classes

Lower Your College Stress with Summer Classes

| | 1 minute read

Growing up, summer time was something we all looked forward to. It was a time for the beach, the pool, and probably endless amounts of video games with our friends. Even now as adults, we sometimes still equate summer time with all of those fun things we did as a kid. So, when you think of summer classes, you might not think of “stress relief.”

You might actually think that taking a summer class will add to your stress level, but taking a summer class might lower your stress level! How, you ask? Well, taking a summer class can actually help you stay on track for graduation.

Summer can be the perfect time for students to take courses that might require extra attention and study time. Have one class that is harder for you? Maybe summer is the perfect time to take that class so you can focus on that one subject.

You might be thinking you don’t have time for a summer class. But summer classes can be scheduled to fit your needs and plans. Some summer courses at Southern Miss only last three weeks while others are first half-summer courses, second-half summer courses, and full term courses.

Online summer classes can offer you the best of both worlds to get ahead. Online classes can help you fit your coursework around your busy summer schedule, while lowering your stress level for future semesters.

If you are ready to get ahead by taking a summer class, current Southern Miss students should talk to your academic advisor. Undergraduate students interested in applying to USM for summer coursework should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at

So get ready to relieve some stress by getting some classes out of the way. Register for your summer classes today! Need help? Email us at

Office of Online Learning

All blog posts are written and maintained by the Office of Online Learning at The University of Southern Mississippi. We provide support to online students, to faculty teaching online courses, and to units seeking to develop, grow, or improve online programs at the University.

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